Sunday 8 March 2015

Our new trampoline

Our old trampoline, which stemmed from when Miekie was tiny, about 18 months old, lasted very well until the second half of last year (i.e. about six years). Since then it's been on a path of accelerating decline, culminating in the spectacular abrupt simultaneous failure of multiple spring connections one day when I ran and leapt onto it. We had it repaired but that didn't last more than a few minutes!

An old photo I dug up of Pieter (who'd clearly just finished eating something) and Miekie (I shuddered when I noticed that she was running with a pair of scissors in her right hand!), taken ages ago, showing the old trampoline in the background

So yesterday we went and bought another, bigger, better and higher one, sized appropriately for a family of five, plus guests, plus a dog (if she feels up to it). It's even got its own safety net.

Just before the inaugural jump

Miekie and Pieter were joined in the inaugural jump by Tiaan from down the street

Soon Neil will be jumping too, I'm sure

Unfortunately Pieter got injured twice in rapid succession. First from an accidental blow to the chest from Tiaan's head and second by a blow to the face from his own knee. We got quite a fright after the second injury as Pieter was quite disoriented and sore, and had trouble talking and breathing. So we called paramedics who fortunately were here very quickly to examine him. Luckily he was given the all-clear and was just about back to normal within an hour or so! Now it's just Marisa and my nerves that still need calming.

Here's a short video of some happy jumping:

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