Tuesday 24 March 2015

A bespangled Pieter, an indisposed Miekie, and a shorn Maja

Tomorrow is the last day of school for this term. Pieter and his fellow pupils had to dress up in biblical fashion and were treated to an (imitation) meal from that period.

I bought this shirt for Pieter in Mumbai last year. He's refused to wear it until now, when it was pointed out to him that it would suit today's purpose well.

Miekie has a fever (but no other symptoms). So she stayed at home today. She used her pocket money to buy a Monchhichi over the Internet. It was delivered today.

She's named it Kaptein
We tested out a mobile dog grooming service called Ultimutt. They were great and it saves a lot of effort not having to drive her to a salon.

Everything happens in their vehicle

Judging by their equipment I think they might be able to handle my personal grooming requirements too

The bandana is part of the package

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