Monday 16 March 2015

A weekend away

It has been our first weekend away with Neil. We went to Sondela which, as Marisa pointed out, happens to have been our previous weekend-away destination too, which was before Neil was born.

We booked three chalets next to each other. One for us, another for the Kotzes, i.e. Nel, Magdeleen, Amelie and Ingrid, and the remaining one for the Bothas, i.e. Marius, Evelyn, Trevor and Patrick.

Sondela's Nyalas are as nosey as ever


We spent a lot of time at the swimming pool

Pools and ice cream tend to go together

No swimming nor ice cream for this little one yet

We spent less time driving around looking for animals than we normally do. But we did manage to fit in one drive...

On the way home we popped in for tea at Kobie and Anelle. It's Anelle's birthday on Monday.

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