Tuesday 10 November 2015


I'm so pleased to be on the beta testing program for Let's Encrypt.

It's high time that secure communications are available to all sites at an affordable cost, i.e. free. I'm happy to say that my server system gupe is now encrypted. All previous links to the unsecured version are automatically changed to the secure version. Gupe has a monitoring daemon, it powers dashboards at airports and at other companies. It runs my bookmarking system and has integration with other tools. When I get to finishing my timetable calculator it it'll host that too.

I moved gu.pe off to a virtual private server from its previous host because I needed root access to set up the encryption.

In the spirit of encryption I started signing all outgoing emails with an encrypted certificate a few weeks ago. Has anyone noticed? Probably not. Why banks don't do this is beyond me.

I've also moved away from the Gmail web interface and mobile apps because they don't yet support encrypted or securely signed emails. I'm very proud to say that I'm now using the geeky Mutt as my email client on my PC (running in a Linux virtual machine on top of Windows) and K-9 on Android. Both fully support PGP style functionality and connect to Gmail using IMAP without any hassles.

A great thing about Mutt is that you can use VIM as your email editor!

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