Sunday 22 February 2015

Growth update

Neil was weighed again on Thursday. He now weighs around 4.8 kg. His growth curve (from discharge date onwards) is currently slightly super-exponential, as can be seen by the decreasing time constant (which I arrived at through refitting an exponential curve to the data with each new measurement). I've plotted the time constant in the second graph below. (The first time constant estimate is only based on two data points and could probably be disregarded, particularly in light of the large gap between it and the other two estimates.)

The pale blue line is the exponential trend-line which I've calculated from his discharge weight onwards (and mirrored back to his birth date, which highlights that the initial weight loss was far more rapid than subsequent weight gain)

The time constant looks as though it may settle at about 70 days

I'll abandon the exponential model once the time constant starts increasing significantly again (i.e. when Neil's growth factor starts slowing).

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