Friday 23 January 2015

Miekie's birthday

Miekie turned eight yesterday. It was a more subdued birthday than usual because Marisa is not quite up to her normal levels of mobility yet. That didn't stop Marisa from baking cupcakes and hosting an influx of family and friends, as well as others including a nurse who was there to check up on Neil's bilirubin levels.

Pieter and Neil gave her a pair of pink binoculars

She got Lego from Marisa and me

Alexander had an opportunity to pop in that morning to see Neil while Miekie was at school

One of the presents from her Oupa and Ouma

The cupcakes Marisa baked

Miekie's quite a fan of Frozen, a recent Disney movie, so Pieter and I bought her a big helium-filled balloon with pictures of the two heroines on either side

Ouma Daleen with Neil

Neil has been sleeping on a phototherapy bed to help clear bilirubin from his system. Phototherapy does this by changing the bilirubin in the blood from the trans to the cis isomer, which is more soluable in water. This makes it easier for the body to excrete it.

It has quite a glow to it...

... particularly in the dark!

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